
Ruby Palindrome Detector –Built a palindrome detector inspired by Michael Hartl's Learn Enough To Be Dangerous Tutorials. It can detect integer and string palindromes. Published to with over 250 downloads.

Journal Sources Tracker – I am working on a journal sources tracker application for Columbia Spectator which allows journalists to easily add, delete, and manage their sources. I built the front-end using HTML/CSS/React.js, accomplished routing with Node.js and Express, and am now working on integrating the backend and adding database functionality with MongoDB.

SQL Food Truck – I simulated a Food Truck using ASP.NET and SQL. Did SQL queries in order to respond to user selections and subsequently updated client view with the total price. I did this project as part of Ms. Qiu's Game Programming class.

Covid Screening App – During the summer of 2020, I and a couple of friends brainstormed and implemented an alpha version of a Covid Screening App which let students self-monitor their symptoms and isolate if necessary.